FREE admission all day, family activities, and live music.
The Constantinides New Music Ensemble from the LSU School of Music will be performing from 2–3 p.m. followed by art activity and figure drawing with model
The Constantinides New Music Ensemble Program:
Helder Oliviera, Impressoes – no. 3
Lea Baumert, flute
Alexandra Gardner, Snapdragon, 11 minutes
William Horner, trombone
Re: pair (Alex Shapiro), 8 min
Lea Baumert, flute
Keenan Smith, oboe
Metamorphose (Landon Viator), 7 min
Rachel Soyeon Seo, violin
Leigh Anne Robichaux, violin 2
Felipe Rocha Luiz Vianna, viola
Chien-Hui Cheng, cello
Flash Points (Steve Landis), 8 min
Filip Starostka, trumpet
In Speaking Silence (Andrea Reinkemeyer), 8 min
Kara Capell, sax
Christopher Gonzalez, bassoon